General archive (3/4)
Your website’s got a favicon right? But does it have an iPhone app icon?
Everyone knows (or should know) what a favicon is, you’ve probably got one on your website and if you haven’t, you should. They’re great for… read more
Quick fire questions with designer folk #2
Following on from the first set of quick fire questions, here’s the second dose of designers (Some new and a couple from the previous post).… read more
10 awe-inspiring videos that no one should miss
I’ve been on YouTube for a while but recently moved to another video service called Vimeo to host my screencasts, mainly because their site/player looks… read more
Take a look at 1Password for your Mac and iPhone
If like me, you’ve got dozens of different username and password combinations to remember to log into different services across the Internet – you must know it can be quite a task to keep track of all of them… read more
Quick fire questions with designer folk #1
Ever wondered what your neighbouring designer is up to? Well I put out five quick fire questions to some of my faithful Twitter followers and… read more
I give you, the Aeon – My custom guitar
About 15 months or so ago, a trip down to Leicester to see a screening of HAARP inspired me to start seriously looking into getting… read more