Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set
Hate or love social media sites, they do bring you visitors to your site and the best way to do that is to show them what websites you are supporting. So I've designed the first 14 social media bookmark icons that you can download and use wherever you like, for free as well!
Got WordPress?
What you get when you download the pack today
- YouTube
- Flickr
- Delicious
- Digg
- lastFm
- StumbleUpon
- TwitPic
- WordPress
- Vimeo
- PlayStation
- Spotify
- Added 15.06.2009
- Tumblr
- Piano
- Added 14.07.2009
- MySpace
- Social Vibe
- Added 27.07.2009
- Blogger
- Technorati
- DeviantART
- 16px icons and buttons added 01.08.2009
- Added 10.08.2009
- Behance
- Design Float
- Live Journal
- MegaVideo
- Added 05.01.2010
- Audioboo
- Ember
- Skype
- FriendFeed
- Hyves
- Yahoo!
- Bebo
- TypePad
- Grooveshark
- CreativeCommons
- Steam
- DailyBooth
- Lockerz
- Added 29.06.2010
- Buzz
- Dopplr
- Dribbble
- Forrst
- Gowalla
- Playfire
- Soundcloud
- Wakoopa
What's the '+' for? The ever growing icon set!
As everyone has their preferred network sites it's hard to cover all bases, so this icon set has the ability to grow into the complete social bookmarking set, but only with your help. Here's how you can help.
- First, download the icon set.
- Next leave a comment stating what social sites you'd like to see in the set
- Your email will then be added to the 'Social Media Bookmark Icon +' subscription list.
- Then once a user suggested icon is complete, it will become available on the site and you will be notified.
If you wish to un-subsribe please send an email to to me with 'un-subscribe icon' in the subject.
Alternative uses
Darkain Multimedia has created a WordPress plugin and a JavaScript widget that utilises these icons!
sdmix wrote on
Awesome work mate!
How about some for Tumblr and Xbox Live?
Nouveller wrote on
Added to the list, I’ll update the download each week.
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Nouveller wrote on
The icon set has been updated!
Max wrote on
This icon set is great. I’m already using it on my website and it looks fantastic. Thank you very much for creating this and expanding it.
What I’d love to see in the set would be an icon for deviantART, MySpace and most importantly Socialvibe.
Nouveller wrote on
Thanks Max! deviantART, MySpace and Socialvibe have been added to the list.
Chris10an wrote on
How about making one for Blogger? MySpace? LinkedIn? ..and one for regular e-mail?
I love the icons, hope you will make a complete set!
Nouveller wrote on
Thanks for your kind comments! I’ve added ‘em to the list. Keep an eye out.
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Christian wrote on
awesome set! i’d like to see slashdot, technorati, yahoo, google, live, and furl, if it’s not too much work (=
Christian wrote on
actually, make that furl into diigo, haven’t really noticed they changed =
Nouveller wrote on
There’s quite a few to add now so I’ll add them all in one go ASAP.
Max wrote on
Hi again, I’d like to see also LinkedIn and Xing in your brilliant package. I can’t wait to see the updates coming.
Nouveller wrote on
MySpace, LinkedIn and Social Vibe have been added today. More to come soon…
Max wrote on
I hope you don’t mind if I ask for Technorati to be added to the pack.
Nouveller wrote on
It’s on the list, I didn’t have time before the current update but thought I’d add the three on I had done.
iPhone360 wrote on
I’d like to see Mister Wong, Technorati and Reddit in the Pack.
Thanks for that in advance.
Nouveller wrote on
They’re in the to-do list!
Tom wrote on
Awesome man! You won a follower, as in twitter as in rss.
I would like that you add Google Reader, IMDB and TwitPic.
Thanks really a lot.
Nouveller wrote on
TwitPic is on there. You’re icons have been added to the to-do list!
Max wrote on
A Yahoo! icon is definately required.
Ann wrote on
Thanks for these, terrific work. It’s hard to find social media icons that aren’t too glossy nowadays. Have you ever considered making these in a larger size, such as 48×48?
Nouveller wrote on
Hi Ann, I will be designing these icons soon to fit 16×16 and 48×48. Along with ‘Social Buttons’ too. Keep an eye out!
Max wrote on
That’s fantastic! I’m really looking forward to that.
Max wrote on
Google should be added as well. But please the more colourful logo with the white “G”.
oribie wrote on
Great initiative! plus I really do like the style :), I would be glad to see an Orkut, Viadeo and Friendfeed icon soon !
Nouveller wrote on
Thanks! Icons are in the works.
Hasret wrote on
Xbox 360 icon please
Max wrote on
I suggest Orkut, Reddit, Skyrock, Ustream, TwitVid and Dailymotion
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oribie wrote on
Hi again ! Is it possible to get a psd in order to make my custom icons look like yours? Thanks in advance!
Nouveller wrote on
Have a look at my tutorial, you can get the PSD from there.×32-pixel-social-media-icon-using-photoshop/
sdmix wrote on
Hey dude!
This pack is coming on loads mate! Its awesome! Love the latest additions, they will definitely come in handy!
Keep up the good work!
Mot! wrote on
Hi! Your icon pack is perfect! But I need other icon, one to
I know that this site is “unpopular”, but I used to my web site.
Thanks from Spain!
Nouveller wrote on
This is why I did the pack so all popular/unpopular icons can be added.
Thanks for the support!
Luke wrote on
This is a great set!! How about one for the behance network?
Anisa wrote on
How about livejournal?
Nouveller wrote on
Added to the list!
seinkraft wrote on
please add reddit, furl, desingfloat, yahoo, google bookmarks and email and i will donate 10 dollars if you could do they as soon as posible :p
seinkraft wrote on
and meneame
Nouveller wrote on
I’m going to release all the icons you’ve mentioned plus any new ones above tonight.
Max wrote on
how about
pdi wrote on
how did you get the donate button function, i mean what is the code + the place to get it.
Nouveller wrote on
When logged into Paypal, go to ‘Merchant Services’ from the main menu, then on the left go to ‘Website Payments Standards’ then click ‘Create A Donate Button’ from the middle of the page.
Alicia wrote on
I’ve been looking high and low for one of these for so long.
What about a COLOURlovers one?
Andrew wrote on,,,
Max wrote on
and TechCrunch
hahababoy wrote on
id like an icon for! thanks for serving the needs of the masses
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Andy wrote on
I’d like to see Nothing Toxic, College Humor and Break on there
Paul wrote on
Twitterfeed, and Skype would do it
Tobias wrote on & would nice be
Max wrote on
hi5 would be good
Luke wrote on
Now, an update would be good for some time.
Luke wrote on
Max wrote on
Howcast and Newsvine are needed as well
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Ryan Hamilton wrote on
Lovely icon set. Would it be possible to add a Shelfari icon to the set?
Paul Reilly wrote on
Hey. These icons are excellent. Would love to see new ones for Bebo and Skype.
Callum Chapman wrote on
Should definitely add a Design Bump icon
Callum Chapman wrote on
Ah and maybe a donate button? Get them two and I’ll use them in my sidebar
Antonio wrote on
What kin of service is the Piano one?
Nouveller wrote on
That’s the wild card icon, it has no particular service.
Antonio wrote on
Oh, great! Thanks.
Enk. wrote on
Wow, Cool Icons.
What about adding Skype & Orkut to the list ?
Nouveller wrote on
All the icons mentioned above will be included in the next update.
Callum Chapman wrote on
Ooh and
Callum Chapman wrote on
Ignore that, it’s already there
Looking forward to the update though – I’m going to use them as links to my profiles
William Hook wrote on
Can you do ones for Brightkite,, Friendfeed, gdgt, Google Latitude, Google Profile, iusethis, Plurk, Qik, Steam, Wakoopa, WhatPulse, Xfire, and an email and WLM one? Long list, sorry.
For the Google Latitude one, an icon similar to the iPhone webclip would be great:
Matt wrote on
Thanks Benjamin, nice set! I´ve been looking for a Social Media icon set for a while, but these were always lacking some platforms. I´ll be using your ever growing set.
Would be great if you could add document sharing sites Scribd, Slideshare and Issuu to this set.
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Zak wrote on
I’d love to see a wikipedia, google, email, rss, tinyurl, default external link.
If you have the extra time, file extensions like jpg/picture, pdf, mp3/music, doc/txt, video, etc. would be amazing.
seeal wrote on
thx realy nice ¡¡ ^^
seeal wrote on
cant shared PSD plz? for design Spanish Social network reali nice icons ^^
Nouveller wrote on
I’ve made a tutorial on how to make an icon here×32-pixel-social-media-icon-using-photoshop/ you can get the PSD from there too.
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Genta wrote on
Great works !! Thankx !!
Maxsailor wrote on
Thankx a lot !!
tagg wrote on
very nice! how about some 24px icons? oh and I can’t see the template (empty) buttons in the zip I downloaded.
Nouveller wrote on
I’m not producing 24px ones at the moment, but at a push you could just resize the 32px ones. If you’re after a template, try downloading the PSD from here×32-pixel-social-media-icon-using-photoshop/
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seifo wrote on
First of all i want to thank you for your time and effort.
I wanted to suggest if you may
Peace upon you
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Prashanth wrote on
It is like watching traffic from a window, you only have a few chances for people to see you. Caroline Middlebrook pointed out that link goodness can be found from these sites. BUT they have to be Dofollow bookmarking
Jupiter wrote on
Hey. These icons are excellent. Would love to see new ones for Bebo and Skype
Mannmuqi wrote on
the best social bookmark list.
Matt wrote on
An email & print icon would really make this the most complete icon set ever. Can´t wait to see the update. Thanks so much for your work!
dnnsldr wrote on
Great icon set. Can’t think of amy others at the time but would love updates. Thanks man!
alex wrote on
Would love to see icons for Diigo, Citeulike, Connotea and Slashdot
Jamie wrote on
Could you make a 32px search icon, please?
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LynxMukka wrote on
Would it be possible for you to do a Steam icon?
Jared Spurbeck wrote on
I’d like to see an icon for, if you would. ^.^
Many thanks! And thanks for the LiveJournal icons you added!
Jared Spurbeck wrote on
Oh! And as long as there is an RSS icon, maybe an email icon to go along with it! A lot of people like to subscribe to email newsletters, I think.
Mohammad Badi Irshid wrote on
I’d like use icons for ( and ( please
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Orves wrote on
Hi, thank you for downloading this social icon set.
I would like to have an icon in the same style for Hyves ( this is a Dutch social network site which is used by a lot of people in the Netherlands. You can compare it with Facebook.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
Cesar wrote on
+ Slideshare Icon please!
Kudos for the one already made they are super useful!
Brian Treetall wrote on
I want to use your set on my site and I would love to have a icon included. Do you have any plans to create one for that site?
Antonio Chagoury wrote on
What about
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Nouveller wrote on
All requesst will be done ASAP. I’m quite busy but if you’re patient they will come.
Kev wrote on
Hmm, really good work.
Bon travail très cher !
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ian wrote on
Beautiful icons. Superb.
I would love to see the following additions:
Friend Feed
Many thanks.
Rahul - Web Guru wrote on
Nice n cool round of social media bookmark icons.
Andrew wrote on
Yahoo Buzz!
Max wrote on
Contenture, TypePad and Newsvine would be nice.
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Uli wrote on
Hi, great work, thanx a lot!
Would be fine to also see Xing here. Then it would be complete for me.
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Philip Campbell wrote on
would love to see an icon – although the site might be down atm. thanks!
aptrick wrote on
wow great stuff – thanks. been looking for a great set of these.
Adam wrote on
I would like to see an icon for
Ellen wrote on
Count me in on Hyves, it’s huge in Holland.
Ecko wrote on
Thank you for the icon set. I do not have any request at the moment but would like to be added to the update list.
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Max wrote on
A bookmark for Creative Commons would be good.
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andreeib wrote on
Hi, these icons are great. I was wondering if I can use this icons on on a wordpress theme. I will give attribution offcourse.
Nouveller wrote on
Yes, you are free to use them anywhere. Any attribution will be greatly appreciated.
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Alex wrote on
A xFire and raptr icons would be awesomely awesome.
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horsedrowner wrote on
I would love to see an icon for Steam (
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Pingback: Descarga 45 packs de íconos nuevos en forma gratuita wrote on
It would be FOREVAR grateful if you were to create a icon
Kev wrote on
Henrick wrote on
I wanted to ask for a LOCKERZ icon.
Max wrote on
LockerZ and NothingToxic would be great as well
Gavin wrote on
A email icon would be a great addition.
Emmanuel wrote on
Thank you for this
Max wrote on
How about Wikipedia or Wikia?
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Justine wrote on
Daily booth icon PLLLLLEAAAASE!
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Stew wrote on
good work! I’d like to see a simple map icon to show my location in Google Maps. Probably a icon would be good as well, for showing how to reach my office with the tube.
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Stefano wrote on
Is very nice, i love it!!! You should add the FriendFeed icon
honestly i hope you’ll do it
Stew wrote on
HUBPAGES is so damn needed!
Enk. wrote on
I need Icon for Skype please.
An additional Google Wave Icon will be appreciated !
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bali website design wrote on
Great freebies dude, nice job
acul wrote on
hi thx for the nice icon. really help me.
keep it up for nice n good work
i use it at here (coming soon)
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cpns wrote on
wow, great icons you have here. nice job man.
thanks fot this collection.
Steve wrote on
These are great. Thank you very much for sharing.
May I make a request? Could you post the ai or psd file for the background shape so I can, or anyone else for that matter, could contribute more icons and keep the art direction consistent with your design?
Nouveller wrote on
I’ve posted a tutorial on how to make them which includes the PSD.×32-pixel-social-media-icon-using-photoshop/
Hope this helps.
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Laura wrote on
I would love to see an Etsy, Ebay, and email envelope icon. Thanks!
Joost wrote on
Hyves ftw. COuld you add a hyves icon please?
Mike Stop Continues wrote on
Thanks for this set! You do excellent work greatly!
Waheed Akhtar wrote on
excellent icons. thanks for sharing
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Bruno Moniz wrote on
This is the only icon set that i found that suits my needs but… there’s missing one icon…
I need an icon for ember
Can you help me?
Nouveller wrote on
I’m planning a very large update (thanks to all the requests) that will come in the new year. I will do a smaller update in the next week or so that will include a few of the most popular ones and Ember will be in it. Stay tuned.
İsa Koç wrote on
I think that definitely should have friendfeed icon
AlexGR wrote on
Thanks you for de icons.
Ryan|Kon wrote on
A m a z i n g !
I <3 it all!
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Jonas wrote on
Simple, elegant and most of the important networks are covered. Really a nice collection. Keep it growing!
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Chris wrote on
Great Pack. A Feedburner icon would be great!
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Josh Morris wrote on
Add the following buttons: and Xbox live!
zxcv wrote on
I would like to see an AIM icon.
Palle Zingmark wrote on
I would love some icons for;
Thnx for great icon set!
Inga wrote on
Colour lovers icon would be great to have ^^
Danielle wrote on
Awesome set! The most complete I’ve found so far.
I’d love to get an icon for Model Mayhem. Not having one for there is what’s currently stopping me from using icons (I figure one text link would look weird). Definitely let me know if you ever make one for there!
Vanessa Guest wrote on
Would love to see icons for Dopplr, Etsy, Amazon (wishlist) and Gdgt!
GeorgeM wrote on
Thanks for the icons!!
Max wrote on
That set is so amazing! I recently signed up at LiveMocha, a language learning community. How about an icon for that?
tm wrote on
superb set!
i’d looove to see the following added:
- (more for the programmers among us)
- (a huge gay social network with 2 million something users in europe)
tks again – we all appreciate your work on this.
Trish wrote on
More suggestions:
William Hook wrote on
Wakoopa, gdgt, and Xbox Live in the next batch please!
Webtoolfeed wrote on
These are awesome, thank you!
Anton wrote on
Requesting icon for SOUNDCLOUD
Peolla Ploutta wrote on
What about SOUNDCLOUD???????????+
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anditapradana wrote on
thanks a lot.. really helpfull.
Antonio Max wrote on
I would like to get the 512 PNG so I can use’em on Firefox Fastdial, but thanks anyway, nice job.
Flordeneu wrote on
I’d like to suggest, which is the most important Spanish digg-like network. I’d be pretty useful for Spanish webmasters like me!
H wrote on
Could you perhaps add gmail icon aswel?
Gidiman wrote on
i’d like to see some icons like windows live spaces (
and netlog (
N3T1O wrote on
nice icons!
Simon wrote on
Just needs one for
Great work – thanks
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Lisa wrote on
Wow! Amazing work you’ve created! At this time, only need Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube.
Christoph wrote on
What font does the SHARE use on the large buttons?
Nouveller wrote on
I think it is Rockwell
Leo wrote on
Is there a CC on these icons??
Nouveller wrote on
Hi Leo, you can basically use them anywhere, for any purpose, without attribution, commericial or personal use.
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Moiz wrote on
Thanks buddy, I have installed that wordpress plugin using it on over 5 Blogs
Nouveller wrote on
Nice one!
wites wrote on
Great icon set. ^^ Would love to see icon for though. Thanks.
John wrote on
I loved this set. Thanks a million!
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Jono wrote on
Awesome! But I would really like and XBOX Live icon!
Max wrote on
Still an awesome set but it still needs Ning, Mixx, Upcoming, Mister Wong, Newsvine in the set.
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Mister Sifuentes wrote on
a model mayhem icon would be nice. 48×48.
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Sávio wrote on
Great icon set!!
But and google buzz are missing, if you can, add them in the next batch!
Phil Stringfellow wrote on
Gonna use these on my new website layout, but could do with Creattica, Designers Couch and Elance?
Thanks man!
Neo wrote on
Nice icons man!
Would you mind adding ‘Windows Live’ & ‘Multiply’ on your collection? Thank you!
cnantpats wrote on
Nice collection! I can’t wait to DL.
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Private Facebook wrote on
these are pretty nice icons. Thanks bro
Mort8088 wrote on
Great icon set, I’d love to use them, and probably will I just need two more to complete my set and that’s Icons for USTREAM & Picasa Web.
Rob wrote on
Best icon set on the whole internetz!
First social media icon set which has a steam icon in it! I always have to make my own and they turn out crappy!
Thank you so much
Natasha wrote on
*gasp* a social media set with a playstation network icon? LOVE IT! Thanks! Found on DA btw.
Gerardvj wrote on
Thank you!!
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Jae Xavier wrote on
there will be lotsa socializing in here. lol ^ . ^
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Smiley Barry wrote on
I just noticed you don’t have an icon for Plurk ( May you please add it in the next batch? Thank you!
Jennifer R wrote on
I’ve downloaded it and it’s vety nice, one more question, the license of them is GPL?
Nouveller wrote on
There aren’t really licensed as such, you can use them anywhere, for anything for free with no attribution. No strings attached.
Julie wrote on
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing such a great set of icons!
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ReeBooT wrote on
Awesome icons, thanks!
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Nervewax wrote on
I think the spotify icon should be their logo and not the letter ‘S’.
Nouveller wrote on
You knew it was Spotify though right?
I’ll provide a different version for the next update.
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Nico wrote on
Hey, your set is great. I like it. Could you please add a DAILYMOTION icon?
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Fyn wrote on
Hey, I downloaded your Icons, they are really awesome! I was wondering if you could add “” and maybe “” – Would be great, thank you! <3
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Ryan Fitton wrote on
Would be great if there was Formspring and FourSquare icons ;D
Allen Hartwig wrote on
I created one. You can download it here:
I’ve only made a 32×32 version.
Evan Relf wrote on
I want the Ember ( icon please! Image:
Evan Relf wrote on
Whoops! Looks like Ember is already there… I didn’t see it, sorry.
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Arjan wrote on
Great website and great icons! Even the hyves icon is included! Big thanks!
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Lewis Cawte wrote on
Yeah, Foursquare and Formspring icons would be nice
(hehe, I wanna be subbed to the mailing list.)
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Simon H. wrote on
Could we get Foursquare, please pretty please?
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A.D.L.F. wrote on
Wow, big collection!
Thanks you!
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This is a great set of social icons!!! I downloaded some of those.
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Dietah wrote on
Indeed Foursquare and GetGlue would be helpful.
Hard to keep track on the growing numbers of social networks.
But what a great icons, I used some of those, it’s one of the most complete list I have seen so far. Thx!
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kaptinlin wrote on
Excellent work!
Can i use in a commerce project?
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Thanks you!
Great share
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wink wrote on
An icon for Gmail–something along the lines of their red envelope icon–would be greatly appreciated.
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Seb wrote on
Superb. Waiting for Updates
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Cesar Millan el encantador de perros wrote on
Indeed Foursquare and GetGlue would be helpful.
Hard to keep track on the growing numbers of social networks.
But what a great icons, I used some of those, it’s one of the most complete list I have seen so far. Thx!
Erica wrote on
Wow! These are great, truly, one of the best packs I’ve seen and will be using… Thank you so much!
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noyus wrote on
Lovely icon set! Please, make one for Xfire (Gaming IM;
David wrote on
I love the icons. Thank you! I’d really like to see a gmail icon. I know you have google, buzz, and an envelope, but gmail also stands out as being recognizable for email.
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Randysign wrote on
Thnx for your SocialMedia-set!
elle wrote on
wow love this! Thanks guys!
Tobias wrote on
Thanks for the icons! Are there any license restrictions? Is it ok to use these icons in commercial projects? Color them? Modify in other ways?
Thanks for a brief reply!
Nouveller wrote on
Do what you will with them! Anything you can think of. No licensing.
Henrik wrote on
Tnx for this excellent icon set. Great work.
Milos Milikic wrote on
Most beautiful social icons on web! Jus add designmoo icon. Cheers!
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craigsnedeker wrote on
Ones I made, feel free to re-make and add to the list:
Ones I am requesting:
dany wrote on
Yugius wrote on
Thank you very much for your icon set. I’m using it on my webpage now.
But can you add an icon for (just 32px is fine)
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Rob wrote on
Great icon set! I just wish to say that the DailyBooth icon is out of date, since they have got a new logo.
Also, what about sharing a template upon which we could create our own icons but keeping with hoe the other icons look?
Leo the Yardie Chick wrote on
Thanks a ton, dude! You have more buttons than the last set I downloaded.
Aids10 wrote on
@ symbol for e-mail like this-
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mahmoudelsaid wrote on
thanks , this isabeautiful icons
Andrew wrote on
Lovely icon set. You even included Steam, that’s really cool. I haven’t seen other icon sets to have Steam ( I wanted it
Gero wrote on
Thanks, the icons are great
Mckbrother wrote on
Very good icon Set
sven wrote on
wow, nice pack, thanks! i’m going to use them
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Neill wrote on
Add me to your list of happy and contented followers. Very well done on providing these for free for personal AND commercial use. Thank you
Phil Stringfellow wrote on
It’s me again
A DesignMoo and LoveDsgn icon addition would be great!
Thanks Benjamin!
Zaid Pirwani wrote on
Great icon set…
I want this PRINTFRIENDLY icon please! – – THANKS man
Have you considered releasing blank buttons as well, of different colors.
As currently I am improvising for PrintFriendly and Email button
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Slavi wrote on
nice collection.
thank you!
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Very nice collection
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lsz wrote on
can you make a bandcamp icoon?
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Jessy wrote on
Hello! Nice icons, I love them.
Could you make one for ColourLovers?
mohammad wrote on
Daniel Lemes wrote on
Very good work. Presented here
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Blake wrote on
It’d be great if you could make one for Formspring. C:
khocu wrote on
Great icons.Thanks for sharing !
Rhi wrote on
Suggestions:, formspring,, feedburner
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thanks!! :D!
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Hello Benjamin, my company is currently working on a game we would like to use your social media icon set. Also we would of course include a credit to you for the icons. Just wanted to double check with you on this.
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LRivera wrote on
Much appreciated set of icons. Thank you.
Dubbel wrote on
Hi Benjamin,
i’m currently coding a wordpress plugin conform to the german privacy laws and would like to use your icons.
Theres only one thing: Could you also create a share-button for Google Plus?
That would be great!
(the plugin is licensed under GPL2 and of course i would mention your icons :))
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Nathan wrote on
Is there a download that contains the large buttons?
I downloaded a zip but it only contains the 32x32px icons
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Real world-class icons. I’ll look again because if I get a few built into our bookmark script. many thanks
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Renae wrote on
Hi Ben,
These are fantastic! Thank you so much for allowing the general public to use them!
A livestream icon would be fantastic
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Gread icons! Thanks for sharing!!!
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AZXIRSTV wrote on
Hi, I’ve made a post on as well – the general gist of it was, great work & is there any chance of getting an Xbox (Live) icon?
I hope to use these icons on my personal website – I’d like to give you credit for your hard work, what name/link should I use?
AZXIRSTV wrote on
Sorry, could you also create a “no icon” icon, it’d come in handy as a place holder.
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Liam W wrote on
Would it be possible for you to post the original photoshop PSD file, or whatever file format you originally used to make these? By the way, great job!
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Shawn wrote on
I love these icons and use them on several sites I work on.
I second the need for a Google+ icon. It’s worth pointing out that Google+ has changed their icon to be red.
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definitely need a pinterest icon!
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As everyone has their preferred network sites it’s hard to cover all bases, so this icon set has the ability to grow into the complete social bookmarking set, but only with your help. Here’s how you can help.
AllenWalker wrote on
can you please make an icon for,,, google+, and if you also can do some of the browsers like chrome or rockmelt it will be nice, thanks for your awesome icons and for reading!
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Looking for the new google+ icon
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