Quick fire questions with designer folk #1
Ever wondered what your neighbouring designer is up to? Well I put out five quick fire questions to some of my faithful Twitter followers and Facebook friends to see what's going on in their noggins.
First lets introduce them all, then get their answers and then show a bit of their work.
Who's taking part

Rob Goulding

Melinda Marsh
Question #1 - What is your favourite hex value or colour?
Ultramarine Blue
Any shade of Blue
Question #2 - What's your speciality?
The web
Web design
Site and Application Design
I love doing everything! why did i even suggest this? Ummm, These days i take more photos than anything
User Interface Design
Website management
Traditional and observational drawings and digital character drawings
Question #3 - Where do you go for inspiration?
Websites, magazines, out and about
Other designers books
The web - no particular favourite
patterntap.com, deviantart.com, smashingmagazine.com, faveup.com
Jamfactory the guys a legend!
The internet! a never ending supply of goodness
Just browse favourite sites
http://www.deviantart.com - various artists spark my interest to draw something, although usually I just get the urge to do something if I see a random item lying around.
Question #4 - What is your favourite tool of the trade?
Adobe Illustrator
Pencil and paper
Notepad++ (the Coda for PC)
Illustrator & Lightroom
My camera
Fireworks and Blend
At the moment my graphics tablet and Artrage 2.5.
Question #5 - Your favourite artist or track to listen to while working?
Gary Moore
David carson
Howard Shore
I stick Last.fm on and let it play my recommendations, or my Loved Tracks
Chicane - Poppiholla @ the mo
It changes all the time, but at the moment, Jet
Lately The Killers, but sometimes Muse or Franz Ferdinand
Some of their work
Jason Gorman
Sarah Gasby
Jamie Gregson
Yasmin Walji
Yasmin wrote on
as I said on twitter – thank you Ben! aand omgosh wow at being among all you amazing artists <3
Luke wrote on
Thanks for that Ben! It was great to be involved!